Happy Fourth, People!
My dearest readers, I must apologize for my spotty blogging of late. I have just started a new job, and am now in the middle of weeks of intensive training. It's all I can do, right now, to keep up with my most basic writing commitments, so I have no time to blog here at present.
Just as soon as I am a little better acclimated to my new position, I will be back -- with a vengeance. I have many nifty-keen ideas for making Born on 9-11 a better blog. And I intend to implement them as soon as possible.
Thanks so much for your loyalty -- and your patience. I promise I will be back, God willing, very soon. Or, as our trainer at my new company of employment likes to say, "in two or three shakes."
...See? I'm learning all sorts of neat things!
Happy Independence Day, Everybody!